No counting hours. No Quotes. No budgets spiraling out of control. Unlimited changes. No complaining.

What can I get in this unlimited package?

Corporate identities. Letterheads. Brochures. Flyers. Mail drops. Newsletters. Magazines. Adverts. Billboards. Logo. Business cards. Vehicle wraps. Magnets. Wall vinyls. Banners. Pullup banners. Signage. Corporate gifts. T-shirts. Catalogues. Books. Training material. Diagrammes. Infographics. Pack photography. Labels. Packaging. Menus. Social media posts. Email signatures. Facebook banner. Profile photos.  Doodle videos. Explainer videos. Corporate videos. Looping video adverts for social media. Plotographs. Animated GIFs. Cartoons. Advice. Consulting. CI Management.

This excludes any cost of sales like production costs (eg: printing) or outsourced costs (eg: a voice artist) or any purchases or rentals.
The good news is that if you are worried we’re going to put a fat markup on outsourced costs, you are always welcome to pay them directly.

How can we possibly achieve this?

No admin. No quotes. No invoicing per item. No timesheets. No faffing around with debates and discussions. We just get on with the job at hand. All too often, we spend more time quoting on a job than just doing it. This effectively results in double the amount of time spent on every job. If we drop the quoting, we can charge half price. No more padding jobs to make up for that wasted admin time.

Yes.. of course there are some Terms & conditions


One item at a time.

If you have an advert, a brochure an email for us to make, and you give us 5 changes as we change colour and photo, we do it to the advert, then we don’t have to do it to all items. Now the brochure and email use the right colours and photo resulting in them rolling out quicker. We don’t waste time repeating these changes across all three items, and you get the other two items much quicker.

Win – win.


No agencies

Only one company per subscription. An advertising agency can’t sign up with us and then outsource our services to 10 clients. (Well, you can, but 10 clients will be 10 subscriptions).  Same thing with marketing consultants, out-sourced social media account managers and so on.


Come to the party.

This is a partnership, not an autocracy. We endevor to deliver within 24 hours if you give feedback quickly, but if you take 3 weeks to give feedback, please don’t expect us to drop everything.

Obviously, turn-around times are subject to the nature of the project we’re working on at the time. Same day turnaround is no problem with a flyer, but probably impossible if it’s a 16 page catalogue with product photography.


Commit to 3 months.

To produce great work, we need to learn how to work together with each other. This doesn’t happen over night. We need to nurture a relationship.

We also need to create a corporate image for you. It takes a while to establish font, colour, image styling. Once this is established, we can churn out elements for you. Please don’t sign up for one month, get a 36 page catalogue out of us and then run for the hills having saved R40k, never to return.

Want a different pricing model?

We get it. Some people like to pay full price, upfront. Some like to spread the cost over time. No problem.
We. Can accommodate you.

Between packages, custom quotes and subscriptions, we are sure to hit your sweet spot.